About Beth: Helping you Live a Happier Life One Workout at a Time

Hey Mama, let me introduce myself. 

I'm Beth. I'm mama to K, aka little poppet and wife to S, aka big poppet. 

I became a mum just over two and a half years ago. 

And on that day, in early June, my life changed so considerably. 

I don't have to tell you. 

But I might, because I think you'll be able to relate. 

About Beth...becoming a mum 3 and a half years ago, changed my life so completely.

All of those things I used to be able to do...sit in the sun, wander around the shops, read a book, spend a few hours in the gym training for the next strong woman competition. I couldn't do. 

I missed working out so much. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not your traditional fitness bunny. I didn't grow up loving exercise. Far from it. 

I hated sports in school.

In fact I'd do anything to get out of it. 

But I digress...

I love it now. 

And when I first became a mum I couldn't do it. I didn't have time. I couldn't leave my baby to go to the gym for a couple of hours. It just wasn't possible.

But I had to do something. I was losing my sparkle. Like I'd lost a little part of myself. 

Beth's 1 Week Meal Plan

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meal plan thumbnail

What is it about Beth that has to do with you?

About Beth and how I can help you lead a happier life

My journey back to exercise wasn't that easy. In fact it was quite a struggle. 

First finding the time. 

Then lock down. 

Then family illness. 

Then lock down.

I knew consistency would be key. I just couldn't get that consistency. 

So, I started working out at home. Utilising the little bit of time I knew I could scrounge together. 

15 minutes a day. 

Ok, I wasn't going to be setting any new dead lifting records with these workouts, but I did start to feel a bit more like myself.

A bit more energetic. 

A bit happier.

And a strange thing happened. 

I started enjoying being a mum a bit more. 

I wasn't so fixated on all of the things I couldn't do, I just enjoyed the time I got to spend with my daughter. 

Now I want to share that with you. 

The workouts. The love of moving. The NEED to make time for yourself. 

Because, let's face it, life should be enjoyed. It should be fun.

About Beth's Fitness Journey

Beth was never a traditional fitness bunny, but once she found something she enjoyed doing, her life changed

If you're thinking..."I just don't love exercise like you do, it won't help me as much".

Let me tell you where I started, because I am far from your traditional fitness bunny. 

I hated exercise at school. I'd do anything to get out of PE/games/sports...whatever it is you call it. If there was even the slightest chance I could get out of it...I would. 

I'd either 'forgotten my kit'. Had a note from my mum, usually forged by a friend. Sorry Mum. Or, I'd gotten into 'some kind of accident' on the way to school.

I really did anything I could to get out of the class. 

Why did I hate it so much?

I think it was because all of the lessons were running/athletics based, and I didn't like doing either. I just wasn't that good at them. 

For years, exercise to me meant running. What do you do when you don't like running? 

You avoid it. 

What changed?

I found something I enjoyed doing. Actually, something I loved doing. 

It's really funny how you can look at something so differently when you enjoy doing it. I no longer tried to avoid exercise, I looked forward to doing it. I made time for it. It was my relaxation. 

If you're interested, it was strength training that I found. Picking up really heavy stuff. Carrying it. Putting it back down again. 

It's surprising what a sense of accomplishment you can get from something so simple. 


About Beth's Qualifications

Beth became a qualified personal trainer in 2014.

My love of fitness was born. 

I trained. I competed. I trained a bit more. 

I loved it so much I became qualified in training other people. 

I loved it so much I became qualified in fuelling mine, and other's workouts. I became a nutrition coach. 

I've done lots of courses, including degrees, in my life, but my personal training and nutrition coaching qualifications were by far the most fun. 

Throwing out the book learning approach I had with my other courses, I had to connect to people. Work with them.

That's what really cemented what I wanted to do, with the rest of my life.

I wanted to help people find a love of exercise. Help them see it can lead to so many other benefits in your life. Increased confidence, glowing skin, a spring in your step. 

Beth qualified as a nutrition coach in 2015.
Beth qualified as an Indoor cycling instructor
Beth qualified as a kettlebell instructor
Beth's nutrition coach CPD

I Want to Help You Love Your Life One Workout at a Time

Yeah, I really believe that finding a workout routine that you enjoy doing can have a significant impact on your life and how you feel about yourself, your family and your friends. 

I truly believe that every woman, mama or not, can and should write their own rules. And I believe exercise is the cornerstone to that. 

  • You start moving more
  • you start feeling more energetic
  • you start eating a bit better
  • your skin starts to glow
  • the spring in your step comes back
  • you start developing muscles and burning fat
  • your clothes start to feel a bit looser
  • you start walking with your shoulders back a bit more
  • you start to feel a bit more confident
  • you feel happier
  • you're less tired
  • time with your kids is more enjoyable
  • your kids are happier

I want to help you feel this confident. This sexy. This happy. 

Because I think you're gorgeous. Now it's time for you to start believing it. 

Let's do this together. 
